@article{TheRelationshipBetweenMoney:660, recid = {660}, author = {Caramazza, Francesco and Slawner, Chad}, title = {The Relationship Between Money, Output and Prices}, publisher = {Bank of Canada}, address = {1991}, pages = {1 online resource (38 pages)}, abstract = {This paper has two main aims. First, to evaluate the robustness of the method used to detrend the data of previous results concerning the lead/lag relationships among money, output and prices in Canada and the information content of monetary aggregates. If the results are insensitive to the detrending procedure, then one can be more confident that the observed correlations reflect underlying relationships among the variables. Second, to examine whether deviations of money from its long-run equilibrium value -that is, from the relationship that ties together the levels of money, output, prices and other variables in the long run - contains useful information about future output growth and inflation. If such a long-run relationship exists, then models that do not take it into account may be misspecified. The results confirm the significant role of the monetary aggregates in predicting changes in real GDP and prices found in previous studies. The information content of money, particularly the leading indicator properties of Ml with respect to real GDP and ofM2 with respect to prices, is not sensitive to the method used to detrend the data. It is also found that deviations of M2 from its long-run equilibrium value contain information about future inflation in addition to that contained in lagged inflation, lagged M2 growth and an output gap. The results suggest that the inflation process is related to developments in both the money market and the goods market.}, url = {http://www.oar-rao.bank-banque-canada.ca/record/660}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.34989/swp-1991-4}, }