@article{TheDynamicEffectsofExchangeRateChangesonCanada’sTradeBalance:650, recid = {650}, author = {Dion, Richard and Jacob, Jocelyn}, title = {The Dynamic Effects of Exchange Rate Changes on Canada’s Trade Balance, 1982-1987}, publisher = {Bank of Canada}, address = {1989}, pages = {1 online resource (26 pages plus appendices)}, abstract = {Until recently, most of the analysis that the Bank of Canada has conducted on Canada's trade balance has been based on RDXF, a large macroeconomic model which contains a very detailed trade sector. However, experience has shown that a smaller, less disaggregated, trade model might be better suited for investigating some important analytical issues. A preliminary version of such a model is presented in this paper. In spite of its small size, the model is able to incorporate many of the compositional and sectoral effects of the larger model and provides more realistic dynamic responses to various shocks. Non-linearity in the response of imports to changes in domestic demand and long lags associated with changes in competitiveness and real commodity prices are distinguishing features. The intra-sample fit and extra-sample forecast performance of the model are quite respectable, and the estimated parameter values appear to be reasonably stable over the sample period. The paper presents a series of simulations designed to estimate the contribution of movements in the exchange rate and other variables to the evolution of the trade balance over the period 1982-1987. A similar decomposition is performed on export and import prices over the period 1986Q4-1988Q1.}, url = {http://www.oar-rao.bank-banque-canada.ca/record/650}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.34989/swp-1990-1}, }