@article{Saving-Investment:4238, recid = {4238}, author = {Cuddington, John}, title = {The Saving-Investment Approach to the Current Account}, publisher = {Bank of Canada}, address = {1982}, pages = {1 online resource (vi, 25 pages)}, abstract = {This report summarizes the results of an investigation of the potential usefulness of focusing on the gap between national saving and investment when analyzing the current account. From a theoretical viewpoint, the conclusion is that such an approach for short-run analysis is likely to be extremely misleading because it does not give sufficient emphasis to the income determination process over the course of the business cycle. For intermediate and long-run analyses, economic theory suggests the importance of interest rate effects on saving and investment and the stock-flow interactions between the capital stock and capital investment and between wealth and saving. Notwithstanding these theoretical considerations, the attempt to isolate statistically significant interest rate and stock accumulation effects in aggregate saving and investment equations was quite unrewarding. It appears that the saving-investment approach can provide little assistance in improving forecasts of the current account over the short run. In part this result may be due to the quality of data series available on financial wealth and capital stock variables. In part it may reflect a need to apply more sophisticated theories of consumption and investment behaviour based on intertemporal optimization. For example, it may be necessary to distinguish between permanent and temporary income and to allow explicitly for interest rate shocks in order to relate current account movements to saving and investment in a satisfactory manner. Of course, one may still want to impose theoretical properties suggested by the approach in intermediate-run models. It is my view, however, that model builders will have to be willing to impose a large amount of a priori theoretical knowledge to obtain satisfactory results for estimated coefficients.}, url = {http://www.oar-rao.bank-banque-canada.ca/record/4238}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.34989/tr-32}, }