@article{ReplicationDataandCodefor:ThelifecycleoftradingactivityandliquidityofGovernmentofCanadabonds:Evidencefromcash:4228, recid = {4228}, author = {Bulusu, Narayan and Gungor, Sermin}, title = {Replication Data and Code for: The life cycle of trading activity and liquidity of Government of Canada bonds: Evidence from cash, repo and securities lending markets}, publisher = {Borealis}, address = {2021-04-07}, abstract = {The data and programs replicate tables and figures from "The life cycle of trading activity and liquidity of Government of Canada bonds: Evidence from cash, repo and securities lending markets", by Bulusu and Gungor. Please see the ReadMe file for additional details. (2021-04-07) <p> <p> Replication data for peer-reviewed article published in Canadian Journal of Economics. Paper published online April 7, 2021.}, url = {http://www.oar-rao.bank-banque-canada.ca/record/4228}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.5683/SP3/YCEWNZ}, }