@article{Supplementary:1682, recid = {1682}, author = {Poledna, Sebastian and Miess, Michael Gregor and Hommes, Cars and Rabitsch, Katrin}, title = {Supplementary material for the article "Economic forecasting with an agent-based model"}, publisher = {Zenodo}, address = {2022-11-01}, abstract = {data_and_programs.zip contains the data sets and programs used to run the models in the article "Economic forecasting with an agent-based model". additional_data_and_programs_dsge.zip and additional_data_and_programs_dsge_shadow_rate.zip contain the Dynare .mod files of the DSGE models and output variables. additional_data_eurostat.zip contains the Eurostat data tables downloaded from the bulk download facility used in the calibration, estimation, and validation of the models and additional_data_and_programs_vsc.zip the C source code (generated with the MATLAB Coder), compiled program, and simulation results from the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC). <p> <p> Supplementary material for peer-reviewed article published in European Economic Review. Paper published online October 17, 2022.}, url = {http://www.oar-rao.bank-banque-canada.ca/record/1682}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7271552}, }