      recid = {1241},
      author = {De Resende, Carlos and Lalonde, René and Snudden, Stephen},
      title = {The Power of Many: Assessing the Economic Impact of the  Global Fiscal Stimulus},
      publisher = {Bank of Canada},
      address = {2010},
      pages = {1 online resource (iii, 17 pages)},
      abstract = {The Bank of Canada Global Economy Model (BoC-GEM) is used  to examine the effect of various types of discretionary  fiscal policies on different regions of the globe. The  BoC-GEM is a microfounded dynamic stochastic  general-equilibrium global model with six regions, multiple  sectors, and international linkages. The authors use the  model to assess four main fiscal policy concerns: (i) how  the effect of an isolated local fiscal stimulus differs  from one jointly implemented in all regions; (ii) which  regions are most likely to gain from joint fiscal stimuli,  and why; (iii) how the impact of fiscal stimulus can differ  conditional on how it is implemented, its timing and  duration, and its magnitude relative to that of other  regions; and (iv) how the impact of fiscal policy is  affected by the inability of monetary policy to push  nominal interest rates below zero. The authors use their  results to gauge the potential effect of fiscal policy  initiatives of the G-20 countries in 2009 and 2010.},
      url = {http://www.oar-rao.bank-banque-canada.ca/record/1241},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.34989/sdp-2010-1},